Start: 04:08 on Thursday, 25 July 2024, Villach, Austria
Elapsed time: 18:03:46
Moving time: 14:53:39
Distance: 333.75 km
Elevantion: 4270 m
The route started in Villach, taking me through Italy for a few kilometers before crossing into Slovenia. The first challenge, Parcours 1, began at the top of Mangart Mountain. After descending, I tackled the Vršič Pass, the highest pass in Slovenia.

The Mangart climb was incredibly tough—double-digit gradients all the way, with very few hairpins to catch a break. My gearing wasn’t ideal for this kind of climb, so it was a bit of a struggle. But I made it to the top!

After the descent, I faced the Vršič Pass. It was still steep but much more manageable with my gearing, so it went smoothly. I felt good and even passed several riders on the way up.
Near the top, traffic became chaotic, and the road started to deteriorate, but I made it over. The first checkpoint (CP1) was a little beyond the summit.
I checked in at CP1, ranked #50. A quick stop for a Coke and a clothing change, and I was back on the road, descending and continuing my journey through Slovenia.

Cycling through Slovenia was a dream. Road quality? As good as Switzerland. Landscape? Mostly flat. My route followed a major road through the entire country—an absolute joy to ride. A large part of the ride followed the Sava River, which was stunningly beautiful.$

I covered all of Slovenia in one day and crossed into Croatia at night. There, I found a “hotel”—a private family renting out rooms. They were incredibly kind. I didn’t have any cash, but the host trusted me and gave me his bank account details to transfer the money later. It was such a nice experience, and I really appreciated their trust.

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